Ange Voyageur

Gustave Moreau. The Middle Ages Rediscovered

November 15, 2023 to Febuary 12, 2024
Au musée Gustave Moreau

Discover our new exhibition

The Middle Ages Rediscovered


Ange Voyageur
Gustave Moreau. Travelling Angel, watercolor and gouache on paper, Cat. 441 © RMN-GP / René-Gabriel Ojéda

Throughout his career, Gustave Moreau participated in the resurrection of the medieval period, which was very much in fashion in the 19th century. In addition to Moreau's well-known "medievalist" works such as Les Chimères and Les Licornes, the Middle Ages permeated his entire art, from the romantic paintings of the 1850s inspired by Shakespeare to his syncretic works of the 1890s.

The study of the creative process will be at the heart of this exhibition, which aims to highlight the sources of the painter's medieval universe.

The presentation of works by Gustave Moreau (paintings, watercolors, drawings), some of which will be taken out of storage for the occasion, alongside photographs, prints, books and objets d'art (including some prestigious loans from the Musée du Louvre and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France) will highlight the painter's medieval reinventions during the second half of the 19th century.

Marie-Cécile Forest, General Curator, Honorary Director of the public institution of the Jean-Jacques Henner National Museum and the Gustave Moreau National Museum
Emmanuelle Macé, documentalist for the Gustave Moreau National Museum
Lilie Fauriac, PhD in Art History

Hubert Le Gall, assisted by Laurie Cousseau

The museum proposes guided visits and story-telling visits of the exhibition.

En savoir plus

Parcours de visite

Catalogue de l'exposition

Gustave Moreau. Le Moyen Âge retrouvé
256 pages, 220 illustrations
Format : 24,5 x 28,5 cm

39 €

Coédition musée Gustave Moreau / Éditions El Viso

En vente à la librairie du musée

Vue 3D catalogue Moyen Age
Tout public