Web accessibility (non-compliant)
GrandPalaisRmn undertakes to make its internet, intranet, extranet sites and software packages accessible (and its mobile applications and digital street furniture) in accordance with article 47 of law n°2005-102 of February 11, 2005.
To this end, it is implementing the following strategy and actions:
- Schéma pluriannuel de mise en accessibilité 2024-2025: drafting in progress - publication to follow
- Actions 2024: drafting in progress - publication to come
Site concerned
This accessibility statement applies to Musée national Gustave Moreau
Compliance status
The Musée national Gustave Moreau https://musee-moreau.fr site is non-compliant with the General Accessibility Improvement Guidelines (RGAA, version 4.1) as there are no audit results to measure these criteria. Non-compliances and possible derogations are listed below.
Test results
In the absence of a finalized compliance audit, there are no test results.
Content not accessible
In the absence of a finalized compliance audit, all site content is considered non-accessible by assumption.
Derogations for disproportionate burden
In the absence of a finalized compliance audit, no derogations have been identified
Content not subject to the accessibility obligation
In the absence of a finalized compliance audit, no content has been identified as excluded from the scope of the applicable regulations.
Establishing this accessibility declaration
This declaration was drawn up on 20/02/2024.
Feedback and contact
If you are unable to access a content or service, to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another form,
Contact us by e-mail: joelle.cretin@musee-moreau.fr
This procedure is to be used in the following case: if you have notified us of a lack of accessibility preventing you from accessing a content or functionality of the site, and have not received a response from us within a reasonable period of time or consider the response to be unsatisfactory, you are entitled to refer the matter to the Rights Defender.
There are several means at your disposal:
- Write a message to the Rights Defender via the contact form
- Contact the Rights Defender delegate in your region: https://www.defenseurdesdroits.fr/carte-des-delegues
- Send a letter by post (free, do not put a stamp): Défenseur des droits, Libre réponse 71120, 75342 Paris CEDEX 07